Lesson 1
Hello, today we're starting a series on personal spiritual growth. Areas of growth that are necessary for a Christian to mature in the faith. I’m not talking about growing in faith, but
rather growing in The Christian Faith. Your Christian walk. In other words, How to Become a Mature Christian. Grown. Stable. Sound. Steady.
The first area is: 1) the cost of following Jesus (Part 1)
a. A disciple of Jesus is simply a follower of Jesus. Being a disciple and being a Christian are related, but two different things. A Christian is a person who believes in Jesus. But a disciple is one who learns and lives by the teachings of Jesus. We must first grow from being a Christian to becoming a disciple.
b. Christianity without discipleship is no more than a belief or thought. And a thought without action or application, doesn't do anything. There are lots of Christians hearing a lot of preaching every Sunday at church, on the radio, online, and on YouTube. We're getting a lot of information about the bible, but without allowing the Word of God to effect our character or lifestyle, because we don't practice what we hear. We shout amen and hallelujah after every sentence. But, back in the real world...in our homes...on our jobs....in our neighborhoods...around our family and friends....sometimes at the church meetings or even after church we still practice being the same old contentious, divisive, prideful and cantankerous folk. God forbid.
c. Apostle Paul teaches in Romans 12:2 to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, but, not without the action or discipline of not being conformed to this world. Acting like the world. Thinking like the world. Dressing like the world. Living like the world. In other words...ain't no transforming if we're still conforming.
d. Discipleship compels us to align our character, lives, thoughts, actions, desires, interests, and aspirations with the Word of God. Doing what He commands us to do....how He wants us to do it.....when He wants us to do it....where He wants us to do it.
e. When Jesus contemplated the bitter and painful cup of persecution and death He was about to face for you and I...He chose to follow the will of His father....saying, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” Luke 22:42 ESV
1. What three things did Jesus say we must do to become a follower of Christ?
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